Support Your Inner Peace in a World of Voices Arguing Over Deity


Have you caught a bit of broadcast news and heard about someone’s cruelty to another person—and it bothered you?

Or maybe you’ve wondered about how some extremists use religion as a justification for terrible acts.

Recently, just as I was drifting off to sleep, an idea blazed across the expanse of my mind.

Picture this. Deity is water. Each human being is a vessel.

Imagine that Deity’s essence as a large infinite ball of water.

Let’s say you’re a bowl and you grow up among bowls. All you know are bowls. In fact, you might say that bowl people have “bowl Gods” because they see themselves in what they picture to be Divine.

On the other side of the ocean are goblets. And they only know themselves as goblets. So they have “goblet Gods.”

But Deity fills ALL bowls and ALL goblets. Deity is ONE. Deity is in everyone.

Water will take the shape of any vessel it fills. The vessels may differ dramatically, but what fills them is the same.

Ideally, we Pagans get a glimpse of the essence of Deity. All who see Deity, see the Source and realize the Source is just dressed in the garb inspired by various cultures.

(We’re talking about the form water. Certainly, Deity can take any form: water, vapor or solid. By the way, we Pagans know that we can relate to Gods and Goddesses that we choose. In essence, Deity has different forms and we can connect with the form that moves our heart.)

Our problem—that is human beings’ problem is that we see ourselves as vessels—as bowls or goblets.

Do we humans get caught up in looking at vessels? Sure we do. Research reveals that tall people and “pretty” people get treated better than others. They get the jobs and the promotions.

You could even extend this metaphor of Deity as water to other galaxies.

Astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson once said, “My great fear is that we’ve in fact been visited by intelligent aliens, but they chose not to make contact, on the conclusion that there’s no sign of intelligent life on Earth.”

My point is that this metaphor of Deity as water applies to the thought that Deity is in such possible aliens. Instead of goblets or bowls, such aliens could be buckets. I’m just saying.

My metaphor of Deity is water applies to all life and all matter.

Neil Degrasse Tyson has talked about dark matter which relates to 85% of the gravity in the universe. “Dark matter. I get asked what it is. And my best answer is we haven’t a clue. We don’t know what it is,” Tyson said.

I will suggest that Deity is dark matter, too.

In any case, when you hear about someone who is ignorant about Paganism spouting dumb theories, see if you can allow that Deity is water. There is some Deity in that other person. What is the big difference? That person is probably shut down in some way. He or she does not hear the inspiration from Goddess—which is that person’s loss.

So maybe you can muster a bit of compassion to send in that direction.

Some spiritual paths suggest: Love everyone.

I do like the idea that it’s sometimes good to love toxic people from afar!

Blessed Be,

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See my designs at Redbubble. For more of Moonwater SilverClaw, consider some of her books:

Goddess Has Your Back

Goddess Has Your Back: How Wicca Can Help You Raise Your Self-Esteem and Make Your Life Magickal



The Hidden Children of the Goddess Book

The Hidden Children of the Goddess Embrace Wicca, Become Strong, Be at Peace with Yourself and the World Around You



Real Magick

Beyond the Law of Attraction to Real Magic: How You Can Remove Blocks to Prosperity, Happiness and Inner Peace



Goddess Walks Beside You: How You Can Listen, Learn and Enjoy the Wiccan Path

2 thoughts on “Support Your Inner Peace in a World of Voices Arguing Over Deity

  1. Reblogged this on bay witch musings and commented:
    When I talk about how people see Deity with my children, I use the metaphor of a box. Some people have a single, gigantic box. Others have many boxes of a variety of sizes and colors and materials. Some have a single, very small box. Others have a box that is the size and shape of the Earth, or of the Universe, or of themselves. And some people don’t have any boxes at all. And many of all of these peoples think that their box is the only way that a box should be, that it is the best box and all other boxes are wrong. Some of them might even go so far as to say that other boxes are a sign that a person is stupid or dangerous or evil.

    I’ve used this allegory over the years to explain to them everything from monotheism to polytheism to atheism, to why there are different religions, to why people of one religion can be mean to people of other religions. But I never really realized how much they really *got it* until the last time we had one of these conversations when my son (somewhat of a surprise to me, because while he’s quite smart, he’s not usually as introspective and metaphorically minded as his (older) sister), when he stopped me and said, “Mom, god isn’t the box. God is the idea that we put in the box so that we can hold on to it.”

    …I think the allegory in this blog post alludes to that idea quite a bit better.


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