How Witches Can Get Their Inner Critic to Shut Up

Do you beat yourself up emotionally? Perhaps, you’ve heard of the Inner Critic.

I have an Inner Critic. She is loud and sometimes in charge. So many times, this Inner Critic not only whispers in my ear but screams at the top of her lungs.

Sometimes, she says, “You’re no good.” Other times she says “You’re too fat … and too stupid.” Too often, this Inner Critic flings me into an overwhelming hopeless feeling.

Maybe, you can relate to this?

One time, when I was feeling particularly down, one of my friends said, “I get it. You have clinical depression symptoms. I’m just wondering if you have some part of you that stands to the side. A part of you that is not caught up in self-hatred. Do you have an … Inner Nurturer?”

What about an Inner Nurturer?

Before that moment, I had never heard this idea, Inner Nurturer. Just imagine, a part of yourself who is on your side. Your Inner Nurturer holds your hand through the tough times.

Maybe, my Inner Nurturer is mirroring what the Goddess would say to me.*

I was intrigued by this Inner Nurturer idea. So, I asked my friend to continue. He said, “It could be like this: Your Inner Critic is like a cup of inky water.  And, the Inner Nurturer helps you by filling the inky-water cup with clean spring water. Over time, the ink runs over the edge of the cup, and you’re left with the clean spring water.”

How Can We Fill Up with “Clean, Spring Water”?

I thought about my friend’s story and realized the Inner Nurturer is the Goddess and God.

We reach the God and Goddess through meditation, ritual, and prayer.

Many times, I have let the Inner Critic run my mind. The solution is for me to connect with the God and Goddess more often. More times for meditation, ritual, and prayer. Then, I can banish the Inner Critic—even for a short time.

May these ideas support you on your journey.

Blessed Be,

* See my new book Goddess Has Answers to Life’s Tough Problems: Wiccans – How You Can Experience Happiness and Healing through Goddess’s Wisdom

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The Hidden Children of the Goddess Book

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Goddess Walks Beside You: How You Can Listen, Learn and Enjoy the Wiccan Path

Goddess Style Weight Loss: Wiccans — Happy, Healthy and Confident

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