Why did the God and Goddess allow this Administration into the White House?


How did God and Goddess allow the current administration to darken the White House? We keep hearing reports of so many people hurt by the actions of this current administration. Wiccans I’ve talked with, express their concern about this administration’s devastating effects on the environment. (If you’re curious, NationalGeographic.com has a list of changes noted here.

Perhaps, you’re similar to me, and you really wonder how God and Goddess would allow terrible things to happen.

Upon reflection, I’ve noted that Wiccans can use terrible events and related details as turning points in our feelings and understanding.

In tough times like these, we can:

  • Know what we stand for
  • Know what we want
  • Band together in a time of strife
  1. Begin to know what we stand for

Having someone tear apart our home, families, communities, and environment helps us realize what is important to us. We need to save our Mother Earth. In so doing, we will save ourselves. Certainly, I feel it’s my duty to vote to protect the good that still exists in this country.

Having an opponent (someone tearing down much that is good) helps many marginalized groups stand together. Wiccans can stand together for protecting the environment and communities at risk. We need to vote in line with our principles and stand up to those who wish to remain careless with our Mother Earth.

  1. Start to know what we want

Knowing what we stand for helps us realize the value of what we want. If we can find common bonds, we can make great progress towards solving many of today’s problems.

I really value many things including peace, a healthy environment, a strong community, and safety. I believe many other people hold these values, too.

Recently, I was talking with a family member. We noted that when you say “I want this”—there can be an underlying value. If I say, “I want safety,” I can notice that I also value the freedom from worry and anxiety, which would cloud my time to meditate and connect with the God and Goddess.

  1. Band together in a time of strife

A while ago, I was part of a peaceful demonstration that was held in front Congresswoman Anna Eschoo’s office. This was about health care. I was glad to participate.

I realize that each one of us can be called to help with making things better with some issue.

Perhaps, that’s part of why God and Goddess didn’t intervene with the current administration’s darkening of the White House.

Blessed Be,

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Goddess Style Weight Loss: Wiccans — Happy, Healthy and Confident

 Try My Online Course

Break Free with Goddess: Wiccans – How You Can Get Free of Worry, Illness and Anxiety and Enjoy Abundance, Health and Confidence

Be a Wiccan Badass: Become More Confident and Unleash Your Inner Power

Goddess Reveals Your Enchanted Light: Peace, Prosperity, Possibility Along Your Wiccan Path

Real Magick

Beyond the Law of Attraction to Real Magic: How You Can Remove Blocks to Prosperity, Happiness and Inner Peace

Goddess Has Your Back

Goddess Has Your Back: How Wicca Can Help You Raise Your Self-Esteem and Make Your Life Magickal


The Hidden Children of the Goddess Book

The Hidden Children of the Goddess Embrace Wicca, Become Strong, Be at Peace with Yourself and the World Around You

Goddess Walks Beside You: How You Can Listen, Learn and Enjoy the Wiccan Path

Goddess Style Weight Loss: Wiccans — Happy, Healthy and Confident

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