Beware of Mistakes in Casting a Circle

Casting Circle

Casting Circle

“Can I make a big mistake in Casting a Circle?” my friend, Veronica, asked.

“It is important to focus on three vital details,” I replied.

When you Cast a Circle you want to:

  • Keep Things Out—They Steal Your Energy
  • Keep Energy In
  • Dismiss the Elementals—or They Cause Havoc
  1. Keep Things Out—They Steal Your Energy

If you don’t Cast Your Circle properly, nearby entities can steal valuable energy you have raised. It gets worse: Such entities can cause your spell or ritual to fall flat.

Let’s say you do a Prosperity Spell. But such entities leached your valuable energy. Then, your Prosperity Spell will collapse, due to no power behind it.

  1. Keep Energy In

A properly cast Circle keeps your energy all in one place. When you raise energy, you want it to build—not dissipate into the surrounding landscape. Your Circle helps you magnify such energy.

  1. Dismiss the Elementals—or They Cause Havoc

Elementals can cause havoc on your life if not dismissed. I have heard of problems ranging from electrical issues, plumbing problems to scary incidences of fires breaking out in one’s home.

Warning: ALWAYS dismiss an entity once it has completed its function.

 Finally, closing your circle is truly important.

Just follow the appropriate steps but do them in reverse.

If you follow these guidelines, you will be one step closer to enhancing your life and making your dreams come true.

Blessed Be,

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Goddess Style Weight Loss: Wiccans — Happy, Healthy and Confident

 Try My Online Course

Break Free with Goddess: Wiccans – How You Can Get Free of Worry, Illness and Anxiety and Enjoy Abundance, Health and Confidence

Be a Wiccan Badass: Become More Confident and Unleash Your Inner Power

Goddess Reveals Your Enchanted Light: Peace, Prosperity, Possibility Along Your Wiccan Path

Real Magick

Beyond the Law of Attraction to Real Magic: How You Can Remove Blocks to Prosperity, Happiness and Inner Peace

Goddess Has Your Back

Goddess Has Your Back: How Wicca Can Help You Raise Your Self-Esteem and Make Your Life Magickal


The Hidden Children of the Goddess Book

The Hidden Children of the Goddess Embrace Wicca, Become Strong, Be at Peace with Yourself and the World Around You

Goddess Walks Beside You: How You Can Listen, Learn and Enjoy the Wiccan Path

Goddess Style Weight Loss: Wiccans — Happy, Healthy and Confident

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Why Does Pain Exist

Pain Exists

Pain Exists

Why Pain Exists

People of many faiths have asked, “Why does Deity let pain exist?” I’m not talking about only one kind of pain. I am talking about all kinds of pain that we endure. From the physical pain of skinning a knee to the emotional pain of loosing a loved one.

Why do the Gods let us, no need us, to experience pain?

Simply, pain is used as a teaching tool. The Gods do not inflict pain upon us. We do it to ourselves. Not intentionally. We don’t want to skin our knees when we fall. It is the way of life.

During our lives we learn lessons; some can be painful.

Generally, the more painful the experience, the more we remember the lesson. Learning to walk and to ride a bike involves falling. Pain motivates you to learn skills and to avoid falling again. It teaches you not to fall and to stay up during the task.

Emotional pain teaches us different things. For example, if you endured childhood taunts by mean kids, you learned that words can emotionally injure a person. Hopefully, one learns to avoid cutting down other people. (Remember the Law of Three!)

What about the death of a loved one? What does that teach us? I lost a friend when he committed suicide. What did that teach me? It taught me to cherish the people around me and to feel compassion for another person.

I remember the year of my 16th birthday. I lost my dear four legged friend, Cheesy. At the veterinarian’s office, she grabbed my hand with the energy of “I’m not ready to go yet” as she slipped away. The pain of the loss of Cheesy was intense. But then, for the first time in my life, I was visited by a spirit who had passed to the other side. Cheesy gave me a sense that she was okay. Better than okay.

Without going through such pain and loss, I would not know in my heart that death is not the end.

When you lose someone important to you, you gain a whole new understanding. With the loss you can now understand love completely.

As hard and unrelenting as pain can be, we still need it to help us learn and therefore grow. Without pain, we can’t experience true compassion, trust and love.

Blessed be,

Moonwater SilverClaw