Secret Desires That Draw Wiccans to the Craft

“Why did you become a witch?” Lena, a friend, asked me.

This started my thoughts about how many of us, Wiccans, find our way to this spiritual path.

I note four related topics:

  • You want control over your life
  • You don’t like being told what to believe
  • You love the Old Gods
  • You want to learn Secret Knowledge
  1. You want control over your own life

Many witches want the power to control their own lives. This draws them to magick.

Several individuals find their way to witchcraft because they feel that their life is out of control, and they feel the need to create the world they want.

You may desire a better job, home or a new lover. (Be careful of love spells—see my post.)

We note that to gain a job, one needs to do mundane practices boosted by magick. Mundane?—yes, we send out resumes and go to networking events.

Magick can help us weave our own destinies—at least the parts we can influence. Magick courses through us and the world around us. Witches harness these energies to change those things they need to influence. Numerous witches perform spells for those things they desire.

Using spells, witches can control their lives in ways others cannot.

  1. You don’t like being told what to believe

Along with having control of your life comes the fact that a witch doesn’t like being told what to think and what to believe.

We are free thinkers. We don’t blindly follow some priest in a church. We don’t blindly follow a priest’s pronouncements. We question authority.

Wicca attracts many women who celebrate that women have equal rights and powers as men.

Furthermore, many women have already had experiences with the paranormal. (Men have paranormal encounters, too.) For example, I observed Shadow People and heard a poltergeist while growing up in a haunted home.

Like others, I have wanted answers to such unusual occurrences.

  1. You love the Old Gods

During my childhood, my parents dragged me to their Christian Church. I couldn’t relate to their version of an angry, father-figure God who apparently doesn’t like people!

I wanted to interact with a god who wasn’t angry or punishing. My intuition told me that there were other Gods to interact with.

Some of us grew up reading the ancient myths of different cultures and falling in love with the Gods of old. One of my good friends had such an experience.

As a child, I found myself naturally doing rituals. I gathered berries and made a little altar, somewhat near my home. This was possible since I grew up in an undeveloped area of Redwood City, California.

When I read about Wicca some years later, I realized that I was already doing ritual. I found myself attracted to the Goddess and the Horned God.

  1. You want to learn Secret Knowledge

Once we’ve begun our Wiccan journey and we’re practicing as solitary witches, some of us wanted to learn the deep secrets of magick and the Wiccan Path.

Many witches realize that they want to practice as a solitary. Still, for the deepest knowledge, one can get initiated into one of the Traditions. This is an interesting transition. Why? Many of us begin with not wanting to be told what to do. However, in going through the secret training of the seeker, you do find that to stay safe while doing magick, you need to follow precise directions. Hopefully, by this point, the witch is not overly concerned about taking direction—because she or he is more focused on diving deep into the Secret Knowledge.

My own training, over years, led to my earning the role of 3rd Degree High Priestess of the Gardnerian Tradition. In the Gardnerian Tradition, there is much Secret Knowledge that I cannot even hint about here in this blog.

Once initiated, one discovers a whole new world of information. We note that newly initiated witches dive deep, clamoring for more and deeper secret knowledge. Only initiated witches receive the specific Book of Shadows (BOS) of the particular Tradition. The BOS unveils the secrets of the Gods and the Craft, satiating the thirst for knowledge.

In summary, many of us, Wiccans, come to our spiritual path because of these details:

  • You want control over your life
  • You don’t like being told what to believe
  • You love the Old Gods
  • You want to learn Secret Knowledge

Many blessings on your journey.

Blessed Be,

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See my designs at Redbubble. For more of Moonwater SilverClaw, consider some of her books:

Goddess Style Weight Loss: Wiccans — Happy, Healthy and Confident

Try My Online Course

Break Free with Goddess: Wiccans – How You Can Get Free of Worry, Illness and Anxiety and Enjoy Abundance, Health and Confidence

Be a Wiccan Badass: Become More Confident and Unleash Your Inner Power

Goddess Reveals Your Enchanted Light: Peace, Prosperity, Possibility Along Your Wiccan Path

Real Magick

Beyond the Law of Attraction to Real Magic: How You Can Remove Blocks to Prosperity, Happiness and Inner Peace

Goddess Has Your Back

Goddess Has Your Back: How Wicca Can Help You Raise Your Self-Esteem and Make Your Life Magickal

The Hidden Children of the Goddess Book

The Hidden Children of the Goddess Embrace Wicca, Become Strong, Be at Peace with Yourself and the World Around You

Goddess Walks Beside You: How You Can Listen, Learn and Enjoy the Wiccan Path

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How Wiccans Can Find Trustworthy Mentors – Avoid Plastic Shamans and Charlatans


“How do I find a reliable mentor, someone who knows what they are doing?” Jim asked me.

“You look frustrated,” I replied.

“Yes! I paid somebody to teach me things over a weekend, and nothing worked,” Jim said.

I felt Jim’s pain. It can be hard to find an authentic Wicca practitioner.

This can be a real problem. Similarly, the Native American peoples warn about charlatans falsely identifying themselves as holy men of Native American spiritualty. These false holy people are called “plastic shamans.”

How Lineages Help One Find Authentic Wiccan Practitioners

British Traditional Witches can find suitable mentors by looking into the person’s lineage, which shows the line of witches who mentored each other. Often, one views a batch of paperwork that delineates which person initiated the person in question—with a line going backwards. For example, I am seven steps descended from Gerald B. Gardner, who is considered the father of modern witchcraft.

Lineage is a good way to start. There are other important factors. Once you have found someone you think might be a good mentor, consider who else knows this person. Ask these people questions like the following:

  • Knowing (prospective mentor), would you work with them again?
  • Is (prospective mentor) reliable?
  • Is (prospective mentor) knowledgeable?
  • Who else knows (prospective mentor) who can vouch for him/her?

Answers to the above questions can help you make an informed choice.

[For further thoughts on how to find a good mentor, click here for my post “Finding the Right Wiccan Mentor for You.”]

Blessed Be,


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See my designs at Redbubble. For more of Moonwater SilverClaw, consider some of her books:

Be a Wiccan Badass: Become More Confident and Unleash Your Inner Power

As a Wiccan I found this an inspiring read. Written in a way that makes it accessible to everyone irrespective of their current knowledge. – Shona Cathro



Goddess Reveals Your Enchanted Light: Peace, Prosperity, Possibility Along Your Wiccan Path

I don’t generally write reviews on books I’ve read…but this time i feel lead to. This book spoke volumes to me, as if the author knew exactly where I’m coming from and what I’m struggling with. It’s not often a book can make me cry, but this one did by making me see the many blocks I’ve put up in my life. I knew they were there, but I’ve gotten skilled at pretending they’re not. Thank you for helping me see I’m not some freak because of circumstances throughout my life that have caused the blocks, and that i need to stop hiding from or burying them and face them one step at a time. – Crystal Sparks


Real Magick

Beyond the Law of Attraction to Real Magic: How You Can Remove Blocks to Prosperity, Happiness and Inner Peace

This book is a must have for all of those starting out on the spiritual path of Wicca and for all of those who are just looking for some light and love in their life. MoonWater SilverClaw uses her knowledge of Wicca and her personal experiences to not only teach the Law of Attraction in a clear manner but to help you use the Law of Attraction to better your life.

Through simple guided meditations and tips on living a happy healthy life this book takes you on a journey that will teach you how to love yourself, better your self image, and rid yourself of the negative energies that prevent you from reaching your goals.

This book covers many wonderful topics that will teach you basic magical practices as well as the theory and idea of “like attracts like” From setting up an alter to casting a circle and how to perform and find the magick that you are seeing in your life this book has so much to offer.

MoonWater SilverClaw is truly an inspirational writer for a newer generation of Wiccans and those seeking to use the natural energies of the earth to make changes in their life. Her writing style speaks from the heart because she has been where the reader is, she has used these techniques and steps to better her own life and now she is helping the reader use the Law of Attraction to better theirs – Amazon Customer


Goddess Has Your Back

Goddess Has Your Back: How Wicca Can Help You Raise Your Self-Esteem and Make Your Life Magickal

This is an absolute gem for the witch with issues. Rituals for things like self-esteem are something i have never seen before. Moonwater’s writing is engrossing and draws the reader in. I am a witch with PTSD M.S. and other issues and this book made me feel hopeful and capable. – t’air


The Hidden Children of the Goddess Book

The Hidden Children of the Goddess Embrace Wicca, Become Strong, Be at Peace with Yourself and the World Around You

Ms. SilverClaw has written a book that is really great for the beginner wanting to learn about Wiccan or wants to start practicing the art of Wicca. I found this book wonderful, easy to read, and extremely helpful and informative. It covers everything from what Wicca is, the history of Wicca and how Wicca became misassociated with evil, along with how Wicca can help/save people’s lives. Ms. SilverClaw also discusses practicing Wicca either in a Coven or Solo, and all the things you need in order to have in order to perform your ceremony, and she explains what each item means. She explains how to create spells and gives examples to use, and explains the pitfalls of creating certain types of spells. Ms. SilverClaw has truly created a book that is a cast all net the seems to cover everything that I needed to know to begin practicing Wicca. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is searching for their first book on the topic and wants to start practicing the art of Wicca or is just curious about the topic. This is truly a Must Have book. – Tamra L. Shipman



Goddess Walks Beside You: How You Can Listen, Learn and Enjoy the Wiccan Path

This is a terrific book! It is like talking to the author over a cup of tea like one of the bloggers says. –  Kitri



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Finding the Right Wiccan Mentor for You.




Finding the Right Wiccan Mentor for You

The log of wood crackled as the campfire glowed. I stretched my feet, warming them near the fire, and I recalled a question raised by someone who commented on one of my blog posts. She asked about how to find a good mentor.

So I wanted to share with you the following List to Help You Find a Good Mentor.

If you’re just beginning on your Wiccan path, you may experience the difficulty in finding the right Wiccan mentor for you.

The good news is: When you find the right mentor, magick happens!

So here are some essential questions to ask yourself as you seek a great mentor for you.

  • Are you safe?

Safety is the most important detail here. If you don’t feel safe or you don’t trust the person who will be mentoring you, then it’s likely a bad situation. Listen to both your mind and your intuition. Do not take unnecessary risks. Leave or avoid the person. Safety first.

  • Do you two get along well?

The mentor-student relationship is a special one. Feeling good and connected to a mentor helps in the learning process.

  • Does the person abide by the Wiccan Rede?

If the person does not live according to “An it harm none,” you cannot trust that he or she will be good to you, too. Hurting others is simply wrong. If you see that the person does things that mess with another person’s will, get away from the potential Wiccan mentor.

  • Does the person align with the Law of Three?

Does the potential Wiccan mentor understand and accept responsibility related to the repercussions of his or her actions? The Law of Three holds that you will receive three times what you put out into the world. People who do bad things attract three times the trouble not only to themselves but to others associated with them. Get away from those who do bad things!

  • Is this person compassionate and respectful?

Some mentors are tyrants. A mentor who is a tyrant fails to demonstrate compassion and respect in many areas of life. If this potential mentor has no respect or compassion for others, ask yourself, “How will he/she ultimately treat me?” Avoid this potential mentor.

  • Does this person manipulate others?

Pay close attention. Do you see the possible mentor manipulating other people for selfish ends? It’s a fallacy that this kind of mentor will treat you “as special.” No! If the person hurts others, then at some point, such a person will hurt you, too! Avoid this type of mentor.

  • Does this person come highly recommended?

A rule of thumb for working with someone new is to talk with three people who have had previous interactions with the person. Certainly, you would ask about the level of the potential mentor’s knowledge. But even more important is to ask: “Would you work with this person again?” If the person does not have three people who unreservedly recommend him or her, then beware. So many people allow their desires to blind them to the truth. Do not let this happen to you. If you hear bad news about the person, heed it!

Use the above essential questions to help you find the right mentor for you.

Be safe by using both your mind and intuition.

This information is so important that I invite you to share this post far and wide.

Thank you.


Moonwater SilverClaw


For more of Moonwater SilverClaw, consider some of her books:

The Hidden Children of the Goddess Embrace Wicca, Become Strong, Be at Peace with Yourself and the World Around You


Beyond the Law of Attraction to Real Magic: How You Can Remove Blocks to Prosperity, Happiness and Inner Peace


Moonwater SilverClaw Logo


The Golden Gate Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge

I focused the video camera on the Golden Gate Bridge. I was filming some footage for my upcoming video program. After I got the shot, my friend turned to me and asked, “You mentioned that this video is to help people avoid mistakes when doing magick. What was a mistake that you did?”

This started me thinking. Actually, it was the fear of making mistakes that prevented me from doing a lot while I was a solitary practitioner. I avoided spell-work because I was afraid of doing something wrong.

A number of times, I could have asked for help from the Gods, but I was afraid of doing a full spell because I was not sure about all of the proper details of casting a circle, conducting a ritual and closing the circle.

In a way, I’m glad that I hesitated. One of the big mistakes that people make is improperly closing a circle or not even closing a circle.

I replied to my friend. “My big hope with my video program is to function like a mentor to the viewers. My own mentor has saved me from making a number of mistakes. And because of that, I’ve done many rituals with confidence that I was doing the proper tasks in the correct order.”

So now, as I’m getting closer to completing my video program, I want to ask you for a favor, dear reader: What are two burning questions that you have about avoiding mistakes in your meditations and your magick work? Please post in the comments section.

Thank you!


Moonwater SilverClaw


For more of Moonwater SilverClaw, consider some of her books:

The Hidden Children of the Goddess Embrace Wicca, Become Strong, Be at Peace with Yourself and the World Around You


Beyond the Law of Attraction to Real Magic: How You Can Remove Blocks to Prosperity, Happiness and Inner Peace


Moonwater SilverClaw Logo

The Importance of Mentoring and the Experience

The Altar

I placed the bowl of salt on the altar and then, gently, my mentor moved my hand to the left. Just then, I had the instinctive feeling that the bowl of salt was now in the right place.

I’ve found that having a mentor brings out an aspect of Wicca that one cannot find in a book.

Imagine trying to learn to swim without getting in the water.

Similarly, did you learn to ride a bicycle with no one next you? Learning to ride a bicycle is a good metaphor related to rising to higher levels of Wiccan practice.

You could read a book about a bicycle or watch other people riding bicycles, but that is not the same as having a mentor guide you.

When my dad taught me to ride a bicycle, he was there offering advice and helping me right the bicycle when I took a couple of spills.

Wicca is an experiential process. A mentor can guide you in a progression of experiences so that you learn at a good pace and have successful experiences along the way.

The idea of being a mentor means so much to me that I’m now completing a video in which I talk directly with the viewer and show the process of a number of meditations. I provide guided meditations—this is a prime example of when a mentor can provide an experience to help the viewer go deeper in his or her practice.

Consider ways to bring a mentor or mentors into your journey.

You’ll make progress faster and enjoy the journey more.


Moonwater SilverClaw


For more of Moonwater SilverClaw, consider some of her books:

The Hidden Children of the Goddess Embrace Wicca, Become Strong, Be at Peace with Yourself and the World Around You


Beyond the Law of Attraction to Real Magic: How You Can Remove Blocks to Prosperity, Happiness and Inner Peace


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